Why you Need to know About the Grooms Family before Marriage?

Gone are the days when parents or elders of the family used to sit and select a perfect person for their son or daughter. And that selection would be just final for both the bride and groom. But now, the role of parents is simply just to suggest a right person that is suitable for their son or daughter. They then interact with them, get to know each other's likes and dislikes, get to know each other's nature and behavior and even then if their child approves, then they talk to the family of the bride or groom. And now, children are taking interest in finding out their own life partners through various matrimonial sites on the internet. They set up a profile on the matrimonial sites and then find their dream life partner. Now the roles of the parents are limited to an extent that they just introduce their children to each other, who meet up or date for some time. And if they think that their thinking is matching with the person, then they get married. Before ente...